Trend color yellow

Autumn and its colors: Not only do they look wonderfully colorful, lively, and colorful on the trees, the fashion industry also picks up the classics red, orange, and yellow every autumn. In 2012 it is yellow this time, especially even the mustard yellow.

Yellow in all tones - light yellow to ocher

Wherever you looked, a dark, rich yellow and matching green, blue and turquoise tones combined in all patterns and on all fabrics to bring color into our wardrobes. This play of colors worked particularly well on tanned skin, so it was not surprising that the enthusiasm for yellow tones increased and is now rising to a new top form in autumn. The color yellow has set a trend that is spreading to more and more areas of clothing and life. Because not only scarves, sweaters, hats and gloves look fitting and harmonious between the yellow and red leaves, if you dare, you can go to the door in a mustard yellow parka and really show your colors! In addition, not many colors succeed in asserting themselves so strongly that they can also find their way into living rooms, kitchens, in the furniture stores at all, and that they stay there. Everything between light yellow and ocher can be found in the shopping streets and department stores at the moment.

The color of summer is also fully IN in autumn and winter

The fact that the color of the sun and the desert has developed so much into a trend may also be due to the fact that it can be combined with virtually any other color and reminds us of summer and - as just mentioned - the sun. It is not for nothing that most of the autumn discounts in the front yard and the city park are full of bright yellow flower heads. Combinations of yellow also go wonderfully with gold jewelry and sequins. Depending on the fashionable taste, a really noble outfit can be conjured up with little effort if yellow variations are skillfully decorated with golden accessories and applications. Another wonderful dress combination can be made with leather or imitation leather. Brown, robust leather in particular gains a breath of fresh air from yellow eye-catchers. Fashion chains like H & M already showed combinations of the same yellow blazers and jeans in the shop windows months ago and given them a finish with a gold handbag and large gold earrings.

 There are hardly any limits to the imagination and ingenuity of fashion-conscious people. And even the less colorful among us can hardly go wrong with the color yellow because this little dab also likes to draw attention to itself as the only happy color between otherwise simple items of clothing. In short: yellow is a trend and can stay that way for a while. And even the less colorful among us can hardly go wrong with the color yellow because this little dab also likes to draw attention to itself as the only happy color between otherwise simple items of clothing. In short: yellow is trendy and can stay that way for a while. And even the less colorful among us can hardly go wrong with the color yellow because this small dab also likes to draw attention to itself as the only happy color between otherwise simple items of clothing. In short: yellow is a trend and can stay that way for a while.

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